Creativity and Eating Disorder Recovery
Do you need Creative Recovery?
Often times when we hear the word 'creativity' we put our defenses up or we run for the hills.
"I'm not a creative person."
"I'm not an artist or anything but I did enjoy my coloring pages as a kid."
"Oh wow, I could never do what you do, you're so artsy."
And I'm going to be that annoying person and say that I truly believe that every person is creative. You just have to find your brand of what that looks like. I don't think everyone is going to be creative in a 'traditional' way or the ways that are usually thought of, but I think everyone has passions or that "thing I've always wanted to try."
Part of reclaiming our creativity is a mindset shift that starts with knowing where these ideas come from.
• How do you feel about your creativity?
• What did you hear about artists growing up?
• What is something that you enjoy but you think it's a little silly?
I think Diet Culture is tied to Hustle Culture which is fed via Perfectionism. All of these things are killers for your creativity.
To do creative things is to feed your soul. It's to get caught up in the moment. It's the transportation into another state of being that is hard to explain.
That is the reason why I think that Creative Recovery is very much tied to Eating Disorder/Disordered Eating Recovery. When we are tying our worth into external markers, we get lost. We think our creativity needs to be the same way. If we don't produce perfect art, there's no point. If we don't produce something of value in the eyes of others, there's no point. If we don't keep up the wears of production at all times, there's no point.
To recover our creativity is to recover a piece of ourselves. A piece of ourselves that calls to us, but we think it's not worthy of the time or energy.
To recover your life from Diet Culture, but from Hustle Culture too. To really tap into our intuitive selves through art, food and body.
Katy Gaston Nutrition
Katy is a registered dietitian nutritionist and owner of Katy Gaston Nutrition based in San Francisco, CA. Katy is passionate about her work in eating disorders and disordered eating (AKA dieting) and wants to help people heal their relationship with food and body. If you would like to work with Katy in counseling sessions, she is available virtually via her services page below. If you are unable to be a client at this time but would like learn more, click here for a free introduction into intuitive eating workbook!