Katy Gaston, RD

Nutrition Counseling for Eating Disorders & Disordered Eating

Printable Worksheets

Yes, these are made to be “imperfect” on purpose :)

Hunger and Fullness scale ranging 1-10 with 1 being extremely hungry and 10 being painfully stuffed.  The scale is also arranged in coordination with rainbow colors, with 1 being red and 10 being a purple shade.

Hunger/Fullness Scale

This can be used to help you in enhancing or finding your hunger and fullness cues.


• There are no “good” or “bad” levels, though some will be more uncomfortable than others.

• The overall goal is to eat within the 3-7 range, but should be catered to your individual needs and goals at the time of its use.

Grid for tracking intatke of food with time, hunger and fullness, physical sensations and emotions.  There are 7 slots to fill in times eaten and notes section at the bottom.

Template for Fuel Journal

I wanted to create a food log that could be as informative as possible but as different as possible from the typical ones that we see in diet culture spaces.

* It can be incredibly useful information to see your eating patterns paired with physical sensations and emotions but also should be used with caution.

* If you feel ready to approach this information with curiosity and compassion for yourself then dive in but if at any point it feels triggering or you find yourself going back into old tracking patterns then I recommend stopping and having a professional (like myself) help guide you through this process.

Katy Gaston, RD

Virtual Nutrition Counseling

San Francisco Bay Area, CA


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