Katy Gaston, RD

Nutrition Counseling for Eating Disorders & Disordered Eating

How To Be Healthy, From a Dietitian Nutritionist

“Help me be healthy!”

Whether from clients, co-workers or any stranger that hears what I do for a living, this is one of the most common requests I get after “how can I lose weight?”

This question is always interesting to be because it is so complex, yet we throw around the word “healthy” like we are all supposed to know what it means. So what does it mean?

The definition of health used to be simply the “absence of illness” but now has rightly been corrected to mean so much more. Health involves so many things including your social and physical environment, your access to food and healthcare, the oppressions you face. It is a mental, physical and emotional embodiment. Health is both individual and involves the environment around you.

So why do people constantly ask dietitian nutritionists to make them healthy?

With so much media messaging and marketing around food, bodies and health it makes sense to me why this is everyone’s goal. However, this can be a very dangerous way to try and create a positive outcome for yourself because it often involves a perfectionistic idea of what health means. Because like perfection, if we think of health as a goal to seek, we will never get there. We will never be perfectly healthy. NEVER. Because we are human. Perfection is not in our nature or DNA, sorry not sorry. So why do I say it’s dangerous? This idea of perfect health can lead us to disordered patterns with food and our body because perfection cannot be obtained yet we shame, chastise and berate ourselves when it isn’t.

I believe that our western society definition of what is healthy is warped. We think low weight, clean eating and constantly going to the gym is our ticket. Where is reality, our bodies can determine what the best weight for us is. Eating routinely and happily might be our key. Enjoying the movement that feels best and right for our bodies is where we shine. We understand that chronic stress wears down our bodies, but what about the chronic stress of trying to control our weight, eat the exact right thing and workout even when our bodies are begging us to stop?

Where is health that includes the pleasure and joy we can get from food. The hug from a loved one. The walk through the park to hear the birds sing. The security of knowing where your next meal is. The nurse listening to your when you say you don’t want to know what your weight is. Taking time from work when need rest.

Health is complex.

I understand why we want to pursue it and I also know that not everyone has the same privileges. When we have this narrow view (AKA perfection) of what health can be we cause harm to ourselves and others. We judge ourselves and others for their choices where they might not be choices at all. It becomes right and wrong instead of nuances and individual.

There are no set parameters, no target to reach or gold medal to obtain. You can expand what your definition of health is for you.

Woman standing in front of a wall dressed in professional attire.

Katy Gaston Nutrition

Katy is a registered dietitian nutritionist and owner of Katy Gaston Nutrition based in San Francisco, CA.  Katy is passionate about her work in eating disorders and disordered eating (AKA dieting) and wants to help people heal their relationship with food and body.  If you would like to work with Katy in counseling sessions, she is available virtually via her services page below.  If you are unable to be a client at this time but would like learn more, click here for a free introduction into intuitive eating workbook!

Katy Gaston, RD

Virtual Nutrition Counseling

San Francisco Bay Area, CA


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